Moral principles that govern a person's behavior or the conducting of an activity.
Example: In the course of your job you find confidential info relating to mental health about someone who babysits your child, what do you do?
Example:You are scheduling a meeting with a client, it turns out this client requested a meeting at 3pm on a Friday near your house. Do you go home or back to work if the meeting ends early?
Example:Your at work or school and you're getting all the credit on a team project, do you say anything?
Example: You work in IT and you happen to see emails from your coworkers. Or you are asked to go through emails/computers for your coworkers or bosses.
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The following are some discussion topic ideas on ethics:
Is it ever ok to pirate content(Movies, games, software etc.) Does it matter if the content is no longer available? Not available in your current location? Priced in such a way that it's not affordable for anyone besides a large corporation?
Is information on a company device considered private? What about accounts logged in to that device? What about if you are required to have a mobile device for the company, but they aren't willing to pay for one? What if they are willing to pay for one but you can't afford your own secondary device
When should your data belong to you? What if the data is collected in such a way you couldn't do it on your own (medical imaging or expensive equipment required type of thing)
Should companies be able to see your credit score? What about require your login for social networking sites? Does your answer change if it's different jobs or companies? Government jobs or contractors? Jobs that affect all members of society such as teachers, police officers or social workers?
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